Reference: Clifton strengths, gallup.com

Talent Development & Advisory

We offer businesses and organisations individual and group coaching to help teams realise their full potential. Let us help your team to improve team dynamics, retain talent, and empower the individuals in your company to do better by doing what they do best.

We use a human-centred, intergenerational and intercultural approach along with the CliftonStrengths assessment tool to identify the strengths of individual team members so they can focus on developing their natural talents within the company – enabling both the individual and the organisation to achieve their highest level of success.

Our CliftonStrengths certified coaches also offer strength-based company culture solutions in the form of group coaching or team dynamic workshops. By encouraging team members to identify and leverage their strengths as contributors to their team, our workshops have proven to motivate and energise teams, help team members build better partnerships, find solutions to team problems, and encourage collaborative performance. With CliftonStrengths principles in practice, the whole team wins.

SME Growth Support

Start-up development and growth support comprises a myriad of challenges and barriers that inhibit small business development. In partnership with incubators and hubs we work to mitigate this by offering business coaching to small & medium-sized enterprises – helping entrepreneurs obtain the skills, tools, and community needed to grow.

This includes curating programs, connecting suppliers, securing investors, and seeking new ways to accelerate the growth of businesses.

We look at the entrepreneur to determine where in their development process they are, from early-stage to scale-ready, then apply the tools needed to help them reach the next level. This could include modelling brand strategy, business growth masterclasses, pitch training, fund acceleration programs and performance strength coaching

Entrepreneurs developed
Coaching hours

Entrepreneurial Development Finance

We work with businesses and entrepreneurs at various stages of the entrepreneurial development lifecycle giving each client tailored service. This could include direct assistance, access to networks for income generation, individualised business support, and financial support.
  • Stipend finance: Buying entrepreneurs time to work on their business and receive some relief cash at the same time.
  • Project & bridge finance: Giving entrepreneurs the capital to pursue economically viable projects
  • Acceleration programme: Partnering with entrepreneurs with great growth potential
At Karani, we work with insights gleaned to provide thought leadership material on African entrepreneurship. We also provide our financed programme partners access to unique opportunities through our alumni programme.

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